Saturday, August 4, 2007

STOP TERRORIZING ORTHODOX PEOPLES Will Hold Protest In Front of Croation Embassay

Protest against Genocide at Croatian Embassy, 1:00pm, Sunday, August 5
Believers in God and in Human Rights!
August 5th marks 12 years since Croatia's 1995 genocidal ethnic cleansing of over a quarter of a
million of its own Orthodox Christian Serb citizens from its Krajina region a matter of several days.
Today, Croatia celebrates this ultimate crime as "Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day"!
1:00 pm, SUNDAY -- AUGUST 5th
We can never forget!
Protest against "OPERATION STORM" (Oluja)
In front of the
Croatian Embassy
2343 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC 20008
On Aug. 5, 1995 the army of the newly independent European state of Croatia attacked its own
citizens, expelling its undefended Orthodox Christian population in what it called "Operation Storm".
These Orthodox Christian Serbs had earlier survived the slaughter of three quarters of a million
Serbs, Jews and Roma (Gypsies) in the Holocaust conducted by Nazi-allied fascist Croatia in World
War II. Only some Serbs, who were forcibly converted to Catholicism at gunpoint, were spared.
Modern-day Croatia completed the crime it started in World War II. On Aug. 5, 1995, in front of
CNN cameras and an inexplicably silent international community, Croatia completed the biggest
ethnic cleansing of the entire Yugoslav conflict, expelling over half a million Orthodox in four years.
We must bear witness against this genocide!
We demand a public apology from Croatia. We demand an end to all persecution, anywhere, of
Orthodox Christian peoples whose only "crime" is that they refuse to abandon their ancient
traditional worship of God. Croatia must let its refugee citizens return home in safety.
We demand an end to Croatia's official celebration of ethnic cleansing as a “Victory and
Homeland Thanksgiving Day." No nation that cheers genocide can ever enter the European Union!
Post Office Box 18946, Washington DC, 20036
Telephone: 202-538-3229
The STOP Coalition
“Stop Terrorizing Orthodox Peoples!”
Our group is open to any and all who believe the time has come to draw public attention to the evil
of the continuing genocides against the many millions of Orthodox Christians around the world.

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